
How does healing work

Here is what happens when you come for healing

When you come to Horley for healing you can have a cup of tea or coffee while you wait.

Healing takes about 10 minutes and is in the small school room, where relaxing music will be playing.  There are usually several people in the room, healers and those having healing.

You will have the choice of laying down on one of the beds, or sitting on a chair whilst receiving healing.

One of the healers will come to you, they will stand behind you and place their hands on your shoulders, this indicates that healing is starting. After a few moments they will remove their hands from your shoulders. They will move around you using their hands to channel the spiritual healing. They will not touch you. All healing is done totally hands off.  When healing is finished they will place their hands on your shoulders to indicate that healing is done.

While you are having healing it’s good to just relax and close your eyes.

Afterwards you will feel wonderfully calm and refreshed!

Healing is free of charge, but donations are always gratefully received!

Healing Every Tuesday 6:00pm - 8:00pm

and Wednesday 2:00pm - 4:00pm Freewill Donations

Healing Book

Here at Horley Spiritualists Church we have a healing book where you can enter the name of anyone who is unwell, or in need of Spiritual Prayer.

Great Spirit Father God
I ask that all the people with names written within this Absent healing Book,
their family and friends, receive your Loving,
Healing, Protective Light
for whatever their needs may be
Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual
I Freely give my love and Grateful Thanks

You can enter the names of, family members, friends or any pets that are ill. They can be anywhere in the world and the prayers will reach them.

The prayer is said at all services and all the Healers at Horley say this healing prayer every day.